Church Law Society

Společnost pro církevní právo, z. s.Societas Iuris Canonici

Instructions for Authors Valid as of 1st January 2023

  1. Contributions should be written in Microsoft Office Word. Font Times New Roman.
  2. Articles should not exceed 40,000 characters in length for the body text and footnotes, including spaces.
  3. Please keep the title brief, to just a few words. If necessary, add a longer subheading to a brief title.
  4. Under the heading write the author’s name and surname (without titles). Any reference to a grant, under which the text was prepared, should be in small print below the author’s name and surname.
  5. Do not change the font type during the text. Use bold type only for section headings and sub-chapters. You can emphasise individual words in the text by using non-bold italics. Do not use italics for quotations. Give full names and surnames in the text and footnotes, at least when they are first mentioned.
  6. Write the article in Czech, Slovak or English. Translate foreign-language quotations (including Latin) into the language of the article.
  7. Use a dash – to connect numbers and years, without spaces, not a hyphen -.
  8. Notes should be placed on the same page, not at the end of the article. In footnotes, do not refer from one to another. If the name of a publication is repeated in the immediate following footnote, simply write: Ibid. The order in footnotes: all surnames in capital letters, then a comma, followed by all names in regular letters, then a comma. This is followed by the title of the work in italics, then the city of publication, a comma, the year of publication, and finally the page or pages. Do not use Small Caps. Separate co-authors with a comma, not a hyphen.
  9. Examples of footnote citations:
    Monograph: CELIS BRUNET, Ana María, La relevancia canónica del matrimonio civil a la luz de la teoría general del acto jurídico, Rome, 2002, p. 131.
    Proceedings: STINTON, Diane, Africa, East and West, in: PARRATT, John (ed.), An Introduction to Third World Theologies, Cambridge, 2004, p. 129.
    Journal: ADAM, Miroslav Konštanc, Nadobudnutie príslušnosti k cirkvi vlastného obradu, in: Church Law Review no. 45–1/2010, Prague, pp. 42–43.
    Website: <> (1. 1. 2024).
  10. Note numbers in the text should be superscripted immediately after the phrase to which they refer, or immediately after the punctuation marks that follow, for example mmm,1 or “... mmm.”
  11. Footnotes should be brief and contain only the source from which the author is quoting or to which he/she is referring or brief notations, but not longer quotations.
  12. Quotation marks in Czech and Slovak articles: external „ “ and internal ‚ ‘. Quotation marks in English articles: external ‘ ’ and internal “ ”.
  13. Attach to the article a summary of approximately 5–10 lines, 7–10 keywords separated by commas (not dashes) and a brief biography of the author, including his or her employment, approximately 4–8 lines in length. Include academic titles. List the names of faculties and universities in full (not abbreviated). At the end, give your postal and e-mail addresses.
  14. The editors reserve the right to amend contributions stylistically, orthographically and typographically.
  15. The author should send his/her contributions to the editorial office himself/herself, not through a third party. The accompanying text must contain a statement that the article has not been published before. The author should attach his/her photograph, which will be published in the header of the article.
  16. The rules on the editorial procedure and the principles of the review process can be found on the website: <>.
  17. Instructions for Authors of Articles in English are available at