Church Law Society

Společnost pro církevní právo, z. s.Societas Iuris Canonici

Membership fee and its maturity

The basic Church Law Society membership fee is 500 CZK or 20 € per year. Pensioners, students and individuals without income pay a reduced membership fee of 250 CZK or 10 € per year. Members can also pay an increased fee, i.e., the basic fee increased by any amount.
The membership fee is payable at any time during the calendar year. It may also be paid in advance by increasing the basic fee by the amount involved. The fee that the member owes for the previous year will be paid by an increased fee in the following calendar year. This way, it is possible to pay additionally membership fees due for several years.
The obligation to pay the membership fee does not apply to honorary members of the Society and to those members who, for reasons of special consideration, are expressly exempted by the Working Committee.
The membership fee includes the costs of the Church Law Review and its delivery.

Please be so kind and send your membership fees, subscription and gifts to following accounts:

Payment data for payments from the Czech Republic
account number: 1939518309/0800

Payment data for payments from Slovakia and other countries with Euro
IBAN: CZ62 2010 0000 0025 0114 3973

Payment data for payments in other currencies than Euro (USD, CHF, GBP etc.)
IBAN: CZ55 0800 0000 0019 3951 8309